Staying Desperate for the Things of God

Staying Desperate for the Things of God: A Story of 10 Lepers

When we reach points of desperation in life - whether for healing, finances, relationships, or other needs - our perspective and priorities shift dramatically. We stop caring about appearances and focus solely on finding relief.

What Does True Desperation Look Like?
In Luke 17:11-19, we encounter 10 men with leprosy who were desperate for healing. These men had been given a death sentence and were outcasts from society. When they saw Jesus approaching, they cried out with everything they had, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"
Their desperation led them to:
  • Disregard social norms and their public image
  • Focus singularly on their need for healing

How Does Jesus Respond to Desperate People?
Jesus was moved with compassion when He heard their desperate cries. Rather than immediately healing them, He gave them a command: "Go show yourselves to the priests." This required faith since they hadn't yet been healed.

What Role Does Faith Play in Desperate Times?
The lepers had to exercise faith by:
  • Acting on Jesus' words before seeing results
  • Walking in obedience despite their current condition
  • Believing in healing they couldn't yet see

As they went, they were healed - demonstrating that walking in faith can shift circumstances. It's not enough to think about walking in faith; we must take action.

Why Do We Often Forget God After the Breakthrough?
Of the ten lepers who were healed, only one returned to thank Jesus - and he was a Samaritan, an outcast. The other nine, once healed, went back to their normal lives. This illustrates a common pattern:
  • People cry out to God in desperation
  • Once breakthrough comes, they forget about God
  • They return to their old ways of living

Life Application
Consider these questions:
  • What area of your life requires desperate faith right now?
  • If God brings breakthrough, will you maintain that same level of desperation for Him?
  • Is Jesus your foundation, or merely your fallback plan?

This week's challenge: 
If you need breakthrough, start walking in obedience immediately. When breakthrough comes, don't forget the One who provided it. Maintain that same level of desperation for God, both in valleys and on mountaintops.

Remember: When Jesus is no longer your fallback but your foundation, everything changes.

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